Sexy Exile Wiki
Sexy Exile Wiki

Physical Description[]

Mayu appears to have a curvy build, with sizable breasts and fairly large thighs. Her appearance is deceptive, however, as according to her biometrics, Mayu is actually quite slender at only 108 pounds. Her eyes resemble a hot-pink color, which complement her red hairband, which pops against her long blue hair, flowing almost halfway down her back. While she has a fairly pale skin tone, her face has a strong red tint, giving the appearance of blushing. Judging from her general appearance, as well as her occupation as a student, Mayu is likely in her late-teens to early-twenties. In her starting outfit, Mayu wears the school uniform for the university she attends nearby. She sports a mostly-unbuttoned white undershirt underneath her dark-gray outerwear, resembling a blazer with jacket-like sleeves and white buttons. She wears a navy blue skirt, complementing the color of her hair, as well as a pair of white thigh-high socks.


Mayu initially comes off as meek and mild-mannered, but her hidden perverse nature becomes apparent about halfway through the first date. She loves reading and writing, as she owns hundreds of books and frequents the book club at her university, where she often writes erotic fantasy stories. Mayu has a kind heart, and while she is incredibly shy, her boldness increases as she gets closer with the player. She is rather submissive and doesn't tend to take the initiative, though in later dates, she often goads the player into doing so.


Mayu's orb-generation cycle is one hour, making her one of the less effective girls for orb generation, due to the collection frequency required to maximize her efficiency. With that said, players who log on hourly for event clickers may find her to be among the best sources of orb revenue.

Level XP Required Cumulative XP Orb Cost Rewards Orbs Generated
1 N/A N/A N/A N/A +5
2 1,500 1,500 250 100 Orbs +8
4 +14
5 10,000 2,900 +17
6 12,500
7 15000 5300
8 23,000 6,700 Animation #2 +26
9 36,000 +29
10 41,000
12 Animation #3